Affordable international staffing in less than 14 days

TalentHaul connects startups and small businesses with great offshore talent from CEE and Top LATAM.

We handle the entire process, so you can focus on your work.

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Zero risk. Only pay if you hire
An employee's profile

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Build your dream team

Start Hiring

Save up to 80% on employee salary

Match with top-tier talent from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Latin America (LATAM) where monthly salaries average $1200.

Only a one-time refundable fee

Escape frustrating monthly fees with TalentHaul. Pay only when you hire, and take control of your budget.

Hire A players exclusively

Our tough hiring process ensures that only the best make the cut. Submissions, video assessments, and tests identify talent that frequently outshines US counterparts.

You want to hire overseas talent but...

Employee Icon

All the best talent is employed

This is where we stand out. Our database contains not only candidates actively on the job hunt, but also those currently employed and open to better opportunities.

It’s very likely that your perfect fit is someone who hasn’t even applied.

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You don’t know where to look

Skip the frustration of relying on job ads and freelance platforms that often lead to expensive and time-consuming dead ends.

TalentHaul provides a streamlined solution, saving you the pain and scoring you the best candidate.

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A.I. made resumes look perfect

In a world where AI can make even the most ill-fitting candidate look flawless, we rely on on the human touch.

Our recruiters are deeply engaged in local communities. We build real relationships to identify highly skilled individuals.


Tell us about what you’re looking for

Begin by clicking the button below which will take you to a short form.

You will answer few simple questions that will help us start the process

An illustration that shows a question about the business
A illustration that shows that their submission has been recieved

Let’s schedule a discovery call

Interact directly with the chosen candidates to delve deeper and ensure the perfect fit for the team.

9/10 times you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for and we’ll seal the deal.

What happens after I hire?
Satisfaction is guaranteed
An illustration that depicts an employee profile
An illustration that shows a chat between the client and the matched employee

Our extensive vetting process gets you the top 3 candidates

A resume icon

Resume screening

We create an in-depth job application which helps us efficiently rule out candidates who aren’t a match early on from our database.

Personality Icon

Personality test

Each potential candidate will take an in-house created and proven personality test which focuses on discovering candidate’s character, rather than focusing only on resume.

English proficiency icon

English proficiency

Communication is key. We test speaking, writing, listening and grammar to ensure that collaboration will be seamless.

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Live interview

We conduct a face-to-face interview to evaluate the candidate's quick thinking, problem solving and soft skills.

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Test project

Candidates will be given a test project to complete that mirrors the real job. Their submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by experts.

What happens after I hire?

Laptop Icon

We got
you covered

Your journey with us doesn't end at hiring. Your dedicated account manager will stand by you, offering continuous support for the first 90 days. Expect regular monthly check-ins, or more frequently if necessary.

World Icon

We believe in remote work

You have the option to either use your own ATS (Applicant Tracking System) or ours. In addition, we can provide guidance on additional tools for better communication, such as Loom & Slack.

Satisfied Icon

Your satisfaction matters

We back our commitment with a solid 90-day guarantee. If, for any reason, the chosen candidate doesn't align with your expectations, TalentHaul will provide an alternative at no additional cost.

There’s no comparison

TalentHaulFreelance SitesOutsourcing Companies

One-time fee

Assessed for smarts

Assessed for writing

Background checks

Employee of your company

Got questions?
Get answers.

How much does TalentHaul charge?
How long does it take to hire?
How do I know I can trust your candidates?
How do I pay contractors?